Friday, November 20, 2009

Baja Mexico

The trip down from Mendocino was lovely with many stops in various places for seeing friends and family. Being in one spot for any length of time can really put the itch on hitting the highway. I have spent perhaps too much of my young life systematically avoiding too much restraint and responsibilities for exactly this need to get out, get away, come to, breathe.
And I know its been said by many whimsical, bendy, philosophic type that one can achieve all of this from the comforts or discomforts of the lotus position and a meditative mind. But Ive yet to transcend, and thank god. A life without the capacity to refresh, revive, recalibrate in far reaching places is for me no life at all. And how ridiculously over privileged we are for any such demand. But demand it I do with as much ornery indignation as any other white knuckled, blinded zealot...because it is nourishment for the soul. How one chooses to feed ones soul is a matter of ones own, but as the air we breathe, and the earth we grow, and the water we drink, it is a necessity.
So here we sit, in the vast and empty quietude of the most barren corner of the Sonoran Desert, looking out over the calmest of clear blue seas. Allowing her ebb and flow to take us in to our own quiet rhythms, reflecting the past, deliberating the future, and being incredibly present with the peace and solitude of today...soul food. Cucina Abierto.


  1. Amazing. Imagining your journey(s) brings a peaceful silence to my own soul. You (2) are beautiful.

  2. you are a beautiful human being.....thanks for the thoughts....
