It seems its been awhile.
We often forget about time in the traditional sense of it around here. I find a great satisfaction in keeping track of the days only by our Saturday Farmers Market. The days have been reliably hot and the nights expectedly cool, the preferred comfort zone for our pampered plants. As the calendar officially reminds us of falls arrival, the garden reminds us in its own subtle ways. The scraggly tiered vines of the melon beds are cleared away, the tall brown stalks of corn rustle their brittle leaves in the afternoon breeze, the basil plants fight our efforts to keep from flowering despite our insistence for prolonged pesto indulgence, deserving their complete life cycle like all else, and the winter squash rally in growth to such ridiculous size as to cause concern as to how in the hell to cook it.
Its a time of transition as beds of summer loving plants are replaced with those that will thrive through fall and some of the hardier specimens even over winter such as our new beds of brassicas...
And as the season cycles carry out their transitions, Shanna and I find ourselves faced with our own. As our informal tenure is coming to a close here on the farm we look forward to ponder the various prospects of the future. We count our blessings every day that they all remain incredibly good prospects. Life has been good to us and we only hope it feels the same of us. With that, we both know that wherever we end up next will be the right place, because we are there together.
Its not all introverted, melodramatic decision making though...its been an incredibly social month for us with many good friends visiting that included a very merry unbirthday to us...
Its getting slow around town with the hordes of weekend warrior winos becoming less, making for a mellow wake-n-bake like pace around town...on second thought, its probably not just the lack of tourists responsible for this. The off season of any tourist destination can seem hard on the pockets but heaven on the soul for the hard working residents. Luckily, we work for free so we don't have to worry about that. We are rich in other ways, better ways...
Anyways, its been a fun ride with more learning than my neuron receptors will probably be able to handle. Maybe its just a part of turning thirty but it seems that for every new thing I learn, something else gets forgotten. Limited RAM on the older models, I guess. But its the current stuff that matters most. The world is a whirlwind of madness right now and its up to us to build us's and better ways of doing things and break the chains of the collective comatose.
Rise and Shine beautiful people.