The second week has been of beautiful, warm, work filled days. As the temperatures have found their state of perfection hovering in the 70's and 80's, both plants and gardeners rejoice. Plants in a show of rapid root and leaf development and gardeners in a gleeful studious observation of everything in the universe still happening just as it should.
We have kept very busy getting transplants from the Gro-Dome out to the beds
We have also been putting in a lot of time and love into the more domestic tasks of getting our little farm house feng shui'd the way we like
Despite the absolute quietude and isolation of living out in the sticks we are finding the constant company of the farm animals superior. Tasha, the farm dog, accompanies us in just about every thing we do
It seems too that no matter what we're busy doing through out the days there are always a chicken or two hanging around voicing their curiosity of things. Its obvious these chickens live a ridiculously good life and you can taste their eggs
With things really beginning to move into full swing out here we anticipate and look forward to another lovely week of playing in the dirt, watching and nurturing life as it becomes a part of this natural world and benefiting from a symbiotic relationship with it. We all have a thing or two to learn from such observations as we so often forget we are one and the same with this great life force. Wish all of you a lovely week. Be well.
Oh yeah...for anyone who wants to call us we have an actual land line now!!! 707-895-2435
Tony & Shanna